About Dyslexia Pros
We are a group of passionate dyslexia educators who are highly trained and certified in specific academic tutoring programs designed for the dyslexia learner. We also create our lessons using research-proven methodologies to fit the particular needs of each individual student.
With over 50 years of combined experience, we understand dyslexia and know how to help dyslexic individuals succeed academically and in life.
Our mission is to educate and empower dyslexic students and their families.
People with dyslexia learn differently. As dyslexia professionals, we understand the unique learning differences of someone with dyslexia.
Through specific dyslexia tutoring, testing, advocacy, and community engagement, we focus on the dyslexic student 100%.
We tutor in 1 on 1 sessions using research-based programs proven to help children and adults with dyslexia. Our programs will prevent the academic failure that dyslexia so often brings.

Please visit our Certified Professionals page to learn about each of our dedicated dyslexia professionals.